Speed Skating Coach and Leader Pathways
In speed skating, there are a number of pathways to become a coach. Aspiring coaches are encouraged to consider the level of athlete with which they would like to work, and from there, choose a coaching pathway that prepares them to meet the needs of that level of athlete.
The coach pathway options are: FUNdamentals Leader, FUNdamentals Coach, Introduction to Competition Coach, Competition Development Coach, and Level 4/5 Coaching Diploma.
Speed Skating Ontario facilitates the following levels of coaching: FUNdamentals Leader, FUNdamentals Coach, and Introduction to Competition Coach. Registration and fees for these 3 courses are collected through Speed Skating Ontario, with the option to invoice your club. Watch the SSO e-News for upcoming courses, usually offered in the spring and summer.
Speed Skating Canada facilitates the following levels of coaching: Competition Development Coach. SSC can also help guide you towards initiating your Level 4/5 Coaching Diploma at an accredited educational institution.
Leader Pathway:
FUNdamentals Leader
FUNdamentals Leader is an excellent course for teenage and adolescent speed skaters, parents or community volunteers who are looking to help as assistant coaches for Learn to Skate or Learn to Speed Skate programs, as well as skaters in the Active Start, FUNdamentals and Learning to Train stages of development. Attendees will be equipped with the necessary tools to work with a small group of skaters, teaching basic skating skills in a safe, fun, and welcoming environment.
Upon successful completion of this course, individuals will receive recognition as having been trained as a FUNdamentals Leader. It is not possible for an individual to receive coach certification within this pathway.
Participants must be at least 14 years old to participate in this course.
FUNdamentals Leader is run as an 8-hour course, either online or in-person over 1-2 days.
There is no portfolio or evaluation requirements for FUNdamentals Leader, making it a great opportunity for someone who is just getting started as a speed skating volunteer!
Coach Pathway:
This course is intended for individuals who are working with athletes participating in mini meets and Provincial Circuit competitions and who wish to assume the role of lead instructor with skaters in the Active Start, FUNdamentals and Learning to Train stages of development.
Delivered in two parts (Part A and Part B), this course has both theory and on-ice components that will provide coaches with foundational knowledge of speed skating technique, equipment, and practice planning. Coaches will learn to design and lead an introductory speed skating program focused on skill development and fundamental movement skills.
Part A and Part B are each weekend-long courses delivered either in-person or as a hybrid online/in-person course.
The minimum age for this course is 16 years old.
To be granted certification status, a coach must complete training in Parts A and B, submit the coach portfolio, and complete and debrief an on-ice evaluation with their Coach Evaluator, who is assigned by OSSA. A $75 Evlauation fee applies.
The coach must also successfully complete the Making Ethical Decisions online evaluation through the Coaches Association of Canada.
This course is intended for individuals who are working with athletes participating in the Ontario Elite Circuit and Canadian Youth National Championships. This course prepares coaches to assume the responsibilities of a head coach with skaters in the Learning to Train and Training to Train stages of development.
Delivered in two parts (Part A and Part B), this course has both theory and on-ice components which include: introduction to biomechanics and basic race tactics, basic seasonal training programs and designing practice plans, as well as further exploration of the development of basic mental skills, sport nutrition, and equipment.
Part A and Part B are each weekend-long courses delivered either in-person or as a hybrid online/in-person course.
The minimum age for this course is 16 years old.
To be granted certification status, a coach must complete training in Parts A and B, submit the coach portfolio, and complete and debrief an on-ice evaluation with their Coach Evaluator, who is assigned by OSSA. A $75 Evlauation fee applies.
The coach must also successfully complete the Making Ethical Decisions online evaluation through the Coaches Association of Canada.
This context is intended for individuals who are already working with athletes participating in the Ontario Elite Circuit and/or Junior or Senior National Competitions (ISU Junior A, B and C athletes identified as Train to Train, Learn to Compete or Train to Compete). The ideal coaching candidate is active in the provincial high performance environment and has background knowledge in the sport either via training and racing or by coming through the Introduction to Competition pathway.
The program includes an introductory webinar, 6 Comp-Dev webinars and 2 workshops. Coaches are also expected to be familiar with information covered in the Coaching Association of Canada's 6 Multi-Sport Comp-Dev modules.
The minimum age for this course is 16 years old. Comp-Development certification is the minimum requirement to coach at the Canada Winter Games.
To be granted certification status, a coach must complete all course work, submit the coach portfolio and complete and debrief both an in-training and in-competition evaluation with their Coach Evaluator, who is assigned by SSC.
For more information about the Competition Development coaching pathway, please email
NCCP Advanced Coaching Diploma
The Advanced Coaching Diploma is the most extensive NCCP Multi-sport program offered to Canada’s top coaches. ACD Coaches are recognized as being among the most qualified coaches and leaders of athletes and sport programs provincially, nationally and internationally.
The minimum age for this course is 16 years old.
Learn more about the NCCP Advanced Coaching Diploma
For more information about the Coach Development Pathways, visit the SSC Coach Resource Page.
Already an NCCP Certfied coach? Sign in to The Locker to check your coaching status and Professional Development points regularly.
The Coaches Association of Ontario (CAO) is your hub for coaching sport in Ontario, offering coach development, funding, and events to coaches of all sports from community to high performance. For more information about how CAO can support you throughout your coaching journey, visit