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Vincent de Haître OLY Blog

We all know that athletes are well known for ‘giving it their all’ on the Field of Play. What isn’t as well-known are the stories of athletes who are as committed to giving off the Field of Play. The story of Ontario speed skater Vincent de Haître from the Gloucester Concords is one of those stories.

As Vincent continues his journey as an athlete and three-time Olympian, his focus is on 2  priorities: Milan 2026 and leaving the sport in a better place.

The ‘better place’ part is clear from a fundraising initiative he started last season, to help a young Ontario athlete by paying their Oval training location entry fee. He did this  by joining a fundraising ride from Calgary to Canmore, 296 km in 1 day, which raised $5,500; the full amount of which was used to pay the Oval fee for Rachel Mallard, who was the beneficiary of this generous act in October 2023.

Vincent’s goal this season was to do the same thing again and help fund the dreams of a younger athlete(s) by giving 50% of all donations from his website. At the time of writing in late July 2024, he had already collected 50% of one set of Oval fees and now in mid-September, Vincent is getting ready to name the recipient of his efforts.

Vincent made his selection with the help of input from coaches. The decision will be based on, results, mindset, and future potential. This year, Alex Wood from The Cambridge Speed Skating Club has been named as the recipient and Vincent hopes to make this an annual drive. “It means a lot to receive this support,” said Alex. “It is a huge financial relief and to have the support of a skater as experienced as Vincent, is something I never expected but I am so grateful for. I cannot thank Vince enough for his generosity.”

Why does he do it?

This is an athlete who knows what it’s like to compete at the highest levels in his sport. In his 1st year at the Oval, Vincent made the junior world team and eighteen months later, he was at the Olympic Games, where he has competed three times. He truly believes that with the support and ability to focus, others can be given this opportunity and replicate these same results.

If you don’t know Vincent, he is as remarkable competing as he is as someone to come to the aid of his fellow competitors. Vincent is only the 13th Canadian in the history of the Olympic Games to be a dual sport Olympian, in cycling and speed skating. He is also a Canadian record holder in the 1000m in both Speedskating and Track Cycling. By securing a spot to compete at the upcoming 2026 Olympic Games in  Milan, Vincent will have the distinction of joining Clara Hughes as the second athlete (first male) in returning to his original sport at the Olympic Games. For Clara, it was Cycling – Speedskating – Cycling, and for Vincent, it will be: Speedskating – Cycling – Speedskating.

Although Vincent’s contributions to sport are impressive, what he is giving back may in fact be an ongoing source of fulfilment and purpose once he retires (eventually) from competitive sports. For the moment though he is concentrating on some short-term goals. “I want to perform well at the upcoming Canadian championships in October and to qualify for some World Cups and get back into top 10 results.”

When asked, Vincent describes himself with the following three words: passionate, intense, and compassionate. We would add another couple: game changer.

You can follow Vincent on his website, Instagram @vince_dehaitre


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